Page:Two babes in the wood (1).pdf/8

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The bonniest lad that e'er I saw,
Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie,
Wore a plaid and was fu' braw,
Bonny Highland laddie.
On his head a bonnet blue,
Bonny laddie, Highland laddie,
His loyal heart was firm and true,
Bonny Highland laddie.

Trumpets sound, and cannon roar,
Bonny lassie, Lowland lassie ;
And a’ the hills wi’ echoes roar,
Bonny Lowland lassie.
Glory, honour, now invite,
Bonny lassie, Lowland lassie,
For freedom and my king to fight,
Bonny Lowland lassie.

The sun a backward course shall take,
Bonny laddie, Highland laddie,
Ere aught thy manly courage shake,
Bonny Highland laddie.
Go, for yourself procure renown,
Bonny laddie, Highland laddie;
And for your lawful king a crown,
Bonny Highland laddie.