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The Knight and Shepherd's Daughter.

THERE was a shepherd's daughter
came tripping on the way;
And there by chance a knight the met,
which caused her to stay.

Good morrow to you, beauteous maid,
these words pronounced he;
O I shall die this day he said,
if I have not my will of thee.

The Lord forbid, the maid reply’d,
that you should wax so wode!
But for all that she could say,
he would not be withstood.

Sith you have had your will of me,
and put me to open shame;
Now, if you are a courteous knight,
tell me what is your name?

Some do call me Jack, sweet-heart,
and some do Call me Jill;
But when I come to the king’s fair court
they call me Willful Will.

He set his foot in the stirrup,

and away then he did ride;