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of in many places. Ye have become companions with us in our afflictions; your sympathy with this persecuted party is evident to us all, and we hear that we have a great Room in your prayers; man cannot repay your kindness to us, but I know you look not to man in it, doing it out of love to the Lord; for ye have no outward encouragement to it. O that the Lord, who hath joined together a few of Lewarden and a party in Scotland, in such oneness of mind and affection, may, when he returns to us again, join Scotland and Friezland in covenant together, to serve the Lord their God! And ye, O beloved, grow in grace and endure to the end. I doubt not but you have laid your all at Christ's feet. O take nothing back again: Be resolute in his cause, and valiant in his matters: When his kingdom is so low, let him want none of your help, that is competent for you, and he shall help you; own him, and he will own you, stand with him, and he will stand with you, and make you victorious; whoever fight against you, ye shall overcome; It is good fighting in Christ's camp, for all his soldiers shall certainly prevail. O look to your captain and encouragement, that ye faint not. I apprehend that ye meet with fore blows and bickerings; yea, I think, that ye scarcely want any conflict that we have, save that ye are not as yet in such hazard of your lives: But, as nothing more than this doth endear you unto us; So, no external condition will more draw out God's heart towards you. But, this I will say, be well resolved against whatever man can do unto you: I ⟨t⟩hink no christian ought now to be secure; the man of sin is plotting and strengthning his force what he can, and he will not be content with a part of Christ's kingdom; his aim is at all; he stirs himself now so fast in his saddle, that I think, it is not long to his fall: However, many lands may look for strange plagues, tho' Britain and Ireland shall be made the center of God's judgements; yet his indignation shall not be contained