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Then to my arms ſhe did incline
with bluſhes in her lovely face,
Says ſhe myſelf I do reſign,
whatevor after be the caſe.
Into your arms from future harms,
I do reſign myſelf for life:
O then make haſte, and let me taſte
the pleaſures of a married WIFE.

BEN STOUT, a parody on TOM TOUGH

My name you ſee is Ben Stout,
I have not failed for nothing,
No dangers e'er alarmed me,
Aloft or yet below.
In gallant Nelſon's action,
Where Nile‘s proud waves were frothing,
I dauntleſs turned my quid,
And cried what cheer ho?
We valued not their cannons roar.
We made ours echo ten times more.
Thus we debrav'd you ſee
A far ſuperior foe.
And when involved in ſmoke,
I careleſs crack'd a joke.
And to my ſhipmates cried, boys.

What cheer ho?