Page:Two sailors outwitted, or, Eggs and bacon.pdf/3

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They called for a pint of porter,
she heard them laugh at what was done,
Oh! such fools as are in the world,
on her we’ve put some clever fun.

O laud, Olaud, bring's here some bacon,
here’seggsenough we’ll havesomedrest,
But these two sailors were sadly mistaken,
as you shall see before we’ve done.

Then pulling up the basket nimbly,
thinking for to divide the spoil,
But, Oh! alake! they were all mistaken,
instead of eggs they’d got a child.

The landlord cries, instead or feasting
on eggs and bacon, boys, you see,
Out for a nurse you must be looking,
for by this woman fool’d you be.

One said by me this woman was pity'd,
all for to ease her of her pain;
But, Oh! alake! I am all outwitted,
I’ve got a bastard to maintain.

Here’s 500 pounds of good red guineas,
who will take this child trom me;
Tell down, tell down, said she the money,
and I will do that fame for thee.

Witnesses being to prove the action,
I think said she I may be free,
To tell the truth for satisfaction,
the father of this child you be.