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I took the a servant, and made thee my wife,
I advanced your honour in every degree,
You've lain with your footman, you'll ne'er lie with me.

Had you proved chaste as I proved kind,
Neither riches nor honours should have alter'd my mind
But you love another far better than me,
So now from my presence you banish'd shall be.

I'll clothe my daughter in silver my son in gold,
Because they are of a beautiful mould;
But a bill of devorcement your portion shall be,
You've lien wi' your footman, you'll ne'er lie wi' me.

He call'd for his factor, and to him did say,
This impudent strumpet I'll turn her away;
Of all I possess she disinherit shall be,
She's lain wi' her footman, she'll ne'er lie wi' me.

To some foreign country I'll now take my way,
For here in Old England no longer I'll stay;
Since the charms they are blasted that I did adore,
In my heart I shall never love a woman more.

The Duke he took shipping, away he did sail,
Over to Calais with a pleasant gale,
At the court of France a while for to stay.
But the unfortunate lady was turned away.

This sorrowful lady was turned away,
Laments her misfortune by night and by day.
Crying Ye ladies of honour, take warning by me,
Be chaste to your husband of every degree.