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Page:Typhoon of August 5th to 23rd, 1924.pdf/19

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Wai-shing.—(I. C. Co). Captain D, R. Kilbee.—As soon as they were out of the Yangtze, on the 14th, the steamer was surrounded by the spires of the typhoon, the centre of which was then passing near Naha: NNW winds and long swell, up to the afternoon of the 15th, As the ship was sailing towards Swatow while the typhoon moved away eastwards, no violent effects were experienced.

To sum up the concusions of these reports, and of the documents published by the Kobe Imp. Marine Observatory, it is well established that the typhoon maintained its full violence, and was felt along our coasts, between the Formosa Strait and Shantung describing the whole time its capricious winding between the Meiaco-Sima group, the Loochoos and the Korea Strait between the 9th and the 20th of the month of August, During all this time the Eastern and the Yellow Seas were never in perfect safety, and a strict lookout had to be kept, not without anxiety, as a dangerous movement towards the coast was to be feared at any time.

List of steamers having sent wireless reports to the Zi-ka-wei Observatory during the typhoon: see the following page.

Angkor Brun M. M.
Azay-le-Rideau Example Example
Ceylon (?)
Eldrige Brooks Adm.Or. Line
Empress of Asia Douglas Can. Pac. SS. Co
Empress of Australia Hailey Can Pac. SS. Co
Kaiping Laing Kail. Min. Adm.
Kaiser-I Hind. Manley Mackenzie (P. & O.)
Kutsang Liddell I. C. S. N. Co.
Kalyan Cossey Mackenzie (P. & O.)
Kwanglee Crawford C. M. S. N. Co.
Libia Ital. Crus.
Lienshing Simpson I. C. S. N. Co.
Mantua Armitage Mackenzie (P. & O.)
Min. Celesala
Oldekerkerke Lenjes Jav. Chin. Jap. Line
Paul Lecat Désirat M. M.
Pembrokeshire Lewis Glen Line.
President Grant Jensen Adam Or. Line.
President Taft Moreno Pac. Mail SS. Co.
Rheinland Bahle Hamb. Am. Linie.
Sardinia O. Siggers Mackenzie (P. & O.)
Taiping (?)
Takada Rowe
Tingsang Baker I. C. S. N. Co.
Tjimansek Jav. Chin. Jap. Line.
Tjisoundari Scholten Jav. Chin. Jap. Line.