3. From the Laramie (Edmonton) of Montana, Wyoming, and Alberta.
Tyrannosaurus rex gen. et sp. nov.
Type.—The larger portion of a skeleton from the true Laramie of Hell Creek, Dawson County, Montana, 220 feet above the Ft. Pierre, American Museum No. 973.
Characters.—Carnivorous Dinosaurs attaining very large size. Humerus believed to be of large size and elongate (Brown). No evidence of bony dermal plates (Brown).
The parts already discovered are, both jaws and portions of the skull, vertebræ, ribs, scapula, humerus, ilium, pubis, ischium, metapodials. The association of the very large humerus with this skeleton
is, according to Mr. Brown, almost certainly correct, and abundantly characterizes this animal; but in the writer's opinion final judgment must be suspended until the skeleton is fully worked out. The jaws and skull are not as yet prepared for description, so that comparison of these parts cannot be made at present with Dynamosaurus or Albertosaurus. No dermal plates whatever were found associated with this skeleton. Mr. Brown has devoted the entire past season (1905) to the very difficult work of completing the excavation of this skeleton from the hard sandstone.
The size of the chief portions of the skeleton at present prepared