subsidized line, 101.77; number of locomotives, 13; number of passenger cars, 10; number of baggage, mail, and express cars, 5; number of freight and other cars, 194.
Stock subscribed, $2,068,400; stock issued, $2,068,400; funded debt, $1,628,000; subsidy bonds, $1,628,320; floating debt, $126,283; accrued interest on funded debt, $50,115; accrued interest on subsidy bonds, $981,753; total debt, $4,414,451; stock and debt, $6,482,851; cost of road, $5,350,138. Passenger earnings for the year ending June 30, 1879, $86,187; freight earnings, $185,640; miscellaneous earnings, $81,502; total earnings, $353,329; operating expenses, $247,173; net earnings, $106,156; interest paid, $110,695; deficit, $4,539.
The usual report of this company for the year ended June 30,1879, to this department was received and referred to the Auditor of Railroad Accounts on October 25, 1879. The company owns and operates 443.86 miles of road. Number of locomotives, 49; passenger cars, 29; baggage, mail, and express cars, 13; freight and other cars, 972. Stock issued, $6,996,000; par value, $100. Funded debt, $19,123,406; floating debt, $1,278,813; unpaid interest, $292,595; total debt, $20,694,814; stock and debt, $27,690,814. Cost of road, $26,906,901. Passenger earnings, $456,576; freight earnings, $1,582,926; miscellaneous earnings, $96,641; total earnings, $2,136,143; operating expenses, $1,397,514; net earnings, $738,629; interest paid, $712,417. Lands unsold granted by State of Texas, 4,756,130 acres.
From reports made to the Auditor regarding this road the following figures are obtained: Miles operated, 161.14; miles owned, 711.95; leased to Central Pacific, 550.81 miles; number of locomotives, 44; passenger cars, 62; baggage, mail, and express cars, 18; freight and other cars, 1,157. Stock subscribed, $36,763,900; stock issued, $36,477,000. Funded debt, $29,186,000; floating debt, $963,068; accrued interest on funded debt, $409,410; total debt, $30,558,478; stock and debt, $67,035,000 Cash, material, and accounts due, $219,889. Cost of road, $64,813,154; cost of equipment, $1,902,124; total cost of road and equipment, $66,715,278 Passenger earnings, $477,925; freight earnings, $471,262; miscellaneous earnings and rent of road, $3,350,208; total earnings, $4,299,395; operating expenses, including taxes and insurance, $2,588,297; net earnings, $1,711,098; interest paid, $1,890,237. Lands unsold, 9,245,118 acres.
This company furnishes the Auditor with statements as follows: Miles of road operated, 720; miles owned, 560. Stock authorized, $100,000,000;