The spelling of geographic names must conform to the decisions of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) ( In the absence of such a decision, the U.S. Directory of Post Offices is to be used.
If the decisions or the rules of the BGN permit the use of either the local official form or the conventional English form, it is the prerogative of the originating office to select the form which is most suitable for the matter in hand; therefore, in marking copy or reading proof, it is required only to verify the spelling of the particular form used. GPO's preference is for the conventional English form. Copy will be followed as to accents, but these should be consistent throughout the entire job.
The table on Demonyms in Chapter 17 "Useful Tables" shows forms to be used for nouns and adjectives denoting nationality.
In designating the natives of the States, the following forms will be used.
- Alabamian
- Alaskan
- Arizonan
- Arkansan
- Californian
- Coloradan
- Connecticuter
- Delawarean
- Floridian
- Georgian
- Hawaiian
- Kentuckian
- Idahoan
- Illinoisan
- Indianian
- Iowan
- Kansan
- Louisianian
- Mainer
- Marylander
- Massachusettsan
- Michiganian
- Minnesotan
- Mississippian
- Missourian
- Montanan
- Nebraskan
- Nevadan
- New Hampshirite
- New Jerseyan
- New Mexican
- New Yorker
- North Carolinian
- North Dakotan
- Ohioan
- Oklahoman
- Oregonian
- Pennsylvanian
- Rhode Islander
- South Carolinian
- South Dakotan
- Tennessean
- Texan
- Utahn
- Vermonter
- Virginian
- Washingtonian
- West Virginian
- Wisconsinite
- Wyomingite