Chapter 7
- plate
- post
- ring
- stay
- strap
- tap
- helio (c.f.)
- all one word
- hell
- bender
- bent
- born
- bound
- bred
- cat
- diver
- dog
- fire
- hole
- hound
- -red (u.m.)
- helpmeet
- helter-skelter
- hemstitch
- hema (c.f.)
- all one word
- hemato (c.f.)
- all one word
- hemi (pref.)
- all one word
- hemo (c.f.)
- all one word
- hemp
- seed
- string
- hen
- bill
- coop
- -feathered (u.m.)
- house
- pecked
- roost
- hence
- forth
- forward
- hepato (c.f.)
- all one word
- hepta (c.f.)
- all one word
- here
- about
- after
- at
- by
- from
- in
- inabove
- inafter
- inbefore
- into
- of
- on
- to
- tofore
- under
- unto
- upon
- with
- herringbone
- hetero (c.f.)
- -ousia, etc.
- rest one word
- hexa (c.f.)
- all one word
- hi-fi
- hide
- -and-seek (n., u.m.)
- away (n.,u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- high
- ball
- binder
- born
- bred
- brow (nonliteral)
- -caliber (u.m.)
- -class (u.m.)
- -density
- flier (n.)
- flying (u.m.)
- -foreheaded (u.m.)
- #frequency
- handed
- -hat (v.)
- jinks
- lander
- #light (literal)
- light (nonlit.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- -power (u.m.)
- -pressure (u.m., v.)
- -priced (u.m.)
- #proof
- -reaching (u.m.)
- -rigger (n.)
- rise (building)
- road
- #seas
- -speed (u.m.)
- stepper
- -tension (u.m.)
- #tide
- -up (u.m.)
- #water
- higher-up (n.)
- hill
- culture (farming)
- side
- top
- hind
- brain
- cast
- gut (n.)
- head
- leg
- most
- quarter
- saddle
- sight
- wing
- hip
- bone
- mold
- shot
- hippo (c.f.)
- all one word
- histo (c.f.)
- all one word
- hit
- -and-miss (u.m.)
- -and-run (u.m.)
- -or-miss (u.m.)
- hitchhiker
- hoarfrost
- hoary-haired (u.m.)
- hob
- goblin
- nail
- nob
- hobbyhorse
- hockshop
- hocus-pocus
- hod#carrier
- hodgepodge
- hog
- back
- -backed (u.m.)
- -faced (u.m.)
- fat
- frame
- hide
- nose (machine)
- -nosed (u.m.)
- pen
- sty
- -tie (v.)
- wash
- -wild (u.m.)