Page:U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2008.djvu/258

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Chapter 9.

GIS—Geographic Information System
G.M.&S.—general, medical, and surgical
GNMA—Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)
GNP—gross national product
GPO—Government Printing Office
GPS—Global Positioning System
gr. wt.—gross weight
GSA—General Services Administration
GSE—Government-Sponsored Enterprise
H.C—House of Commons
H. Con. Res. (with number)—House concurrent resolution
H. Doc. (with number)—House document
hazmat—hazardous material
HDTV—high definition television
HE—high explosive (no periods)
HF—high frequency (no periods)
HHS—Health and Human Services (Department of)
HIV—human immunodeficiency virus
H.J. Res. (with number)—House joint resolution
HMO—health-maintenance organization
HOV—high-occupancy vehicle
How.—Howard (U.S. Supreme Court Reports)
H.R. (with number)—House bill
H. Rept. (with number)—House report
H. Res. (with number)—House resolution
HUD—Housing and Urban Development (Department of)
IADB—Inter-American Defense Board
IAEA—International Atomic Energy Agency
ibid.—(ibidem) in the same place
ICBM —intercontinental ballistic missile
id.—(idem) the same
IDA—International Development Association
IDE—integrated drive electronics
i.e.—(id est) that is
IEEE—Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IF—intermediate frequency (no periods)
IFC—International Finance Corporation
IMCO—Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization
IMF—International Monetary Fund
Insp. Gen. (also IG)—inspector general
Interpol—International Criminal Police Organization
IOU—I owe you
IQ—intelligence quotient
IRA—individual retirement account
IRBM—intermediate range ballistic missile
IRE—Institute of Radio Engineers
IRO—International Refugee Organization
IRS—Internal Revenue Service
ISO—International Standards Organization
ITO—International Trade Organization
ITU—International Telecommunications Union
JAG—Judge Advocate General