(d) Back of title, blank, but frequently carries such useful bibliographic information as list of board members, congressional resolution authorizing publication, note of editions and printings, GPO imprint if departmental imprint appears on title page, sales notice, etc.
(e) Letter of transmittal (new odd page).
(f) Foreword, differs from a preface in that it is an introductory note written as an endorsement by a person other than the author (new odd page). An introduction differs from a foreword or a preface in that it is the initial part of the text; if the book is divided into chapters, it should be the first chapter.
(g) Preface, by author (new odd page).
(h) Acknowledgments (if not part of preface) (new odd page).
(i) Contents (new odd page), immediately followed by list of illustrations and list of tables, as parts of contents.
(j) Text, begins with page 1 (if halftitle is used, begins with p. 3).
(k) Glossary (new odd page).
(1) Bibliography (new odd page).
(m) Appendix (new odd page).
(n) Index (new odd page).