Abbreviations and Letter Symbols
- imp.—imprimatur, sanction, let it be printed
- I.N.D.—in nomine Dei, in the name of God
- in f.—in fine, at the end
- inf.—infra, below
- init.—initio, in the beginning
- in lim.—in limine, on the threshold, at the outset
- in loc.—in loco, in its place
- in loc. cit.—in loco citato, in the place cited
- in pr.—in principio, in the beginning
- in trans.—in transitu, on the way
- i.q.—idem quod, the same as
- i.q.e.d.—id quod erat demonstrandum, what was to be proved
- J.—judex, judge
- J.C.D.—juris civilis doctor, doctor of civil law
- J.D.—jurum or juris doctor, doctor of laws
- J.U.D.—juris utriusque doctor, doctor of both civil and canon law
- L.—liber, a book; locus, a place
- £—libra, pound; placed before figures thus £10; if l., to be placed after, as 40l.
- L.A.M.—liberalium artium magister, master of the liberal arts
- L.B.—baccalaureus literarum, bachelor of letters
- lb.—libra, pound (singular and plural)
- L.H.D.—literarum humaniorum doctor, doctor of the more humane letters
- Litt. D.—literarum doctor, doctor of letters
- LL.B.—legum baccalaureus, bachelor of laws
- LL.D.—legum doctor, doctor of laws
- LL.M.—legum magister, master of laws
- loc. cit.—loco citato, in the place cited
- loq.—loquitur, he, or she, speaks
- L.S.—locus sigilli, the place of the seal
- l.s.c.—loco supra citato, in the place above cited
- £ s. d.—librae, solidi, denarii, pounds, shillings, pence
- M.—magister, master; manipulus, handful; medicinae, of medicine; m., meridies, noon
- M.A.—magister artium, master of arts
- M.B.—medicinae baccalaureus, bachelor of medicine
- M. Ch.—magister chirurgiae, master of surgery
- M.D.—medicinae doctor, doctor of medicine
- m.m.—mutatis mutandis, with the necessary changes
- m.n.—mutato nomine, the name being changed
- MS.—manuscriptum, manuscript; MSS., manuscripta, manuscripts
- Mus. B.—musicae baccalaureus, bachelor of music
- Mus. D.—musicae doctor, doctor of music
- Mus. M.—musicae magister, master of music
- N.—Nepos, grandson; nomen, name; nomina, names; noster, our; n., natus, born; nocte, at night
- N.B.—nota bene, mark well
- ni. pri.—nisi prius, unless before
- nob.—nobis, for (or on) our part
- nol. pros.—nolle prosequi, will not prosecute
- non cul.—non culpabilis, not guilty
- n.l.—non licet, it is not permitted; non liquet, it is not clear; non longe, not far
- non obs.—non obstante, notwithstanding
- non pros.—non prosequitur, he does not prosecute