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Page:U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2008.djvu/279

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Signs and Symbols


ρ resistivity; rho
Λ equivalent conductivity
HP horsepower


 ̅ vinculum (above letters)
∺ geometrical proportion
∹ difference, excess
∥ parallel
∥s parallels
∦ not parallels
| | absolute value
∙ multiplied by
∶ is to; ratio
÷ divided by
∴ therefore; hence
∵ because
∷ proportion; as
≪ is dominated by
> greater than
⫍ greater than
≥ greater than or equal to
≧ greater than or equal to
≷ greater than or less than
≯ is not greater than
< less than
⫎ less than
≶ less than or greater than
≮ is not less than
⪪ smaller than
≤ less than or equal to
≦ less than or equal to
≧ or ≥ greater than or equal to
⋜ equal to or less than
⪙ equal to or less than
⪚ is not greater than equal to or less than
⋝ equal to or greater than
⪚ is not less than equal to or greater than
⫨ equilateral
⊥ perpendicular to
⊢ assertion sign
≐ approaches
≐ approaches a limit
≚ equal angles
≠ not equal to
≡ identical with
≢ not identical with
≈ or ≒ nearly equal to
= equal to
~ difference
≃ perspective to
≅ congruent to approximately equal
≏ difference between
≎ geometrically equivalent to
( included in
) excluded from
⊂ is contained in
∪ logical sum or union
∩ logical product or intersection
√ radical
√ root
square root
cube root
fourth root
fifth root
sixth root
π pi
ϵ base (2.718) of natural system of logarithms; epsilon
∈ is a member of; dielectric constant; mean error; epsilon
+ plus
➕ bold plus
− minus
➖ bold minus
/ shill(ing); slash; virgule
± plus or minus
∓ minus or plus
× multiplied by
= bold equal
# number
⅌ per
% percent
∫ integral
| single bond
\ single bond
/ single bond
|| double bond
\\ double bond
// double bond
⌬ benzene ring
∂ or δ differential; variation
∂ Italian differential
→ approaches limit of
∿ cycle sine
horizontal integral
∮ contour integral
∝ variation; varies as
∏ product
∑ summation of; sum; sigma
! or ∟ factorial product


℔ pound
ʒ dram
ƒʒ fluid dram
℥ ounce
ƒ℥ fluid ounce
O pint


§ section
† dagger
‡ double dagger
℀ account of
℅ care of
¶ paragraph
þ Anglo-Saxon
℄ center line
☌ conjunction
⊥ perpendicular to
" or “ ditto
∝ variation
℞ recipe
⊏ move right
⊐ move left
○ or ⊙ or ① annual
⊙⊙ or ② biennial
∈ element of
℈ scruple
ƒ function
! exclamation mark
⊞ plus in square
♃ perennial