Chapter 2.
Unless otherwise stipulated, the GPO imprint must appear on all printed matter, with the exception of certain classified work.
The full GPO imprint is used on the title page of a congressional speech.
The imprint and allmark are not used together on any page; if one is used, the other is omitted.
The imprint is not used on a halftitle or on any page of a cover, with the exception of congressional hearings.
If there is a title page, the imprint is placed on the title page; but if there is no title page, or if the title page is entirely an illustration, the imprint is placed on the last page of the text 4 ems from flush right and below the bottom folio.
The GPO logo is used only on GPO publications. If it is printed on page ii, the full imprint is used on the title page; if it is printed on the title page, use the half imprint only, thus—Washington:2008.
Sales notices
The use of sales notices is discouraged.
If there is a cover but no title page, the sales notice is printed on the cover. Unless otherwise indicated, if there is a title page, with or without a cover, the sales notice is printed at the bottom of the title page below a cross rule. If there is no cover or title page, the sales notice is printed at the end of the text, below the imprint, and the two are separated by a cross rule.
Imprint variations
This is one style of an imprint that can appear on the title page.
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