- Days:
- Abbreviations (9.46), 233
- Holidays, etc. (3.24), 34
- Decimal inches, converted to, 341
- Decimals:
- Alignment (2.27, 13.31), 13, 285
- Ciphers with (13.29-13.33), 285
- Comma omitted (8.54), 203
- Used with numerals (12.9d), 271
- Decorations, medals, etc., 54
- Decree:
- Executive, 57
- Royal (3.38), 38-39, 54
- Degree mark:
- Repeated (10.6), 259
- Spacing (12.9f), 272
- With figures (9.50-9.51, 9.53, 10.6, 12.9f), 235, 259, 272
- Degrees (scholastic, etc):
- Abbreviations (9.32, 9.33, 9.35-9.36), 230, 231
- Closed up (9.7), 222
- Capitalization (9.36), 231
- Sequence of (9.35), 231
- Deity, words denoting (3.33), 36-37, 55
- Demonyms (nationalities) (5.22), 93, 332-334
- Derivatives:
- Compounds (6.6), 96
- Proper names (3.3-3.4), 27, 55
- Scientific names (3.26-3.29), 35
- Devil, etc. (3.33), 36-37
- Diseases and related terms, 55
- Do. (ditto):
- Leaderwork (14.4, 14.6), 299-300
- Tabular work (13.41-13.50), 286-287
- Dollar:
- Abbreviation (9.60), 238
- Leaderwork (14.7-14.8), 300
- Mark (9.60, 12.9k), 238, 273
- Repeated (10.6), 259
- Tabular work (13.51-13.56), 288
- Dr. (9.29, 9.33), 226, 230
- Not used with other titles (9.33), 230
- E
- Earth (3.30), 35
- Editorial marks (illustration) (1.22), 4-5
- Editors and authors, suggestions (1.1-1.22), 1-5
- E.g., 252
- Ellipses (8.76-8.82), 207-208
- Email, email (11.16), 57, 268
- Emphasis, italic not used (11.2), 265
- Emphasis added, etc. (11.4), 265
- Equations (10.8-10.15), 260
- Esq., abbreviation (9.32, 9.33, 9.37), 230, 231
- Et al., 252
- Et cetera, etc. (2.28), 13, 252
- Etseq. (11.3), 252, 265
- Even space after sentences (2.49), 16
- Everyone, every one (6.12), 98
- Ex- (6.34), 103
- Exclamation point (8.83-8.85), 208
- Extracts:
- Footnotes (15.8), 303-304
- Quotation marks omitted (2.24), 12
- F
- Fahrenheit (9.53), 235, 339
- False title (2.3b), 9
- Federated States of Micronesia (9.12, 9.13), 223,224,350
- FIC &punc. (2.28, 2.38, 2.41), 13, 14-15
- Figure (2.71, 3.9), 18, 28
- Not abbreviated (9.40), 232
- Period not used at end (8.112), 213
- Figures (see Numerals).
- Firm names (see also Company), 58
- First words capitalized (3.42-3.45), 39-40
- Flush heads (see Heads, center and side).
- Fol. lit. (2.38), 14-15
- Fold-ins, oversize, avoided (1.14), 2
- Footnotes, Indexes, Contents, and Outlines (15.1-15.31), 303-308
- Footnotes and reference marks (15.1-15.19), 301-305
- Comma not used (8.50, 15.19), 202, 305
- Footnotes and reference marks (15.1-15.19), 301-305