Capitalization Examples
- Penal; Criminal; etc.
- Pennsylvania State
- Radio
- Television
- Uniform Code of Military Justice
- United States
- ZIP Code (copyrighted)
- but civil code; flag code; Morse code
- codel (congressional delegation)
- collection, Brady, etc.; the collection
- collector of customs
- College, if part of name; the college:
- Armed Forces Staff
- Command and General Staff
- Gettysburg
- National War
- of Bishops
- but electoral college
- college degrees: bachelor of arts, master's, etc.
- Colonials (American Colonial Army); but colonial times, etc.
- Colonies, the:
- Thirteen
- Thirteen American
- Thirteen Original
- but 13 separate Colonies
- colonists, the
- Command, capitalize with name; the command:
- Air Force Materiel
- Army
- Central (CENCOM)
- Naval Space
- Zone of Interior
- Commandant, the (Coast Guard or Marine Corps only)
- Commandos, the; Commando raid; a commando
- Commission (if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to Federal or international commission):
- International Boundary, United States and Canada
- of Fine Arts
- Public Buildings
- Commissioner, if referring to Federal or international commission; the Commissioner:
- Land Bank; but land bank commissioner loans
- of Customs and Border Protection
- U.S. (International Boundary Commission, etc.)
- but a U.S. commissioner
- Committee (or Subcommittee) (if part of name; the Committee, if referring to international or noncongressional Federal committee or to the Committee of the Whole, the Committee of the Whole House, or the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union):
- American Medical Association Committee on Education; the committee on education; the committee
- Appropriations, etc.; the committee; Subcommittee on Appropriations; the subcommittee; subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee
- Democratic National; the national committee; the committee; Democratic national committeeman
- Democratic policy committee; the committee
- Joint Committee on Printing; the Joint Committee; the committee; but a joint committee
- of Defense Ministers (NATO); the Committee (see also Organization, North Atlantic Treaty)
- of One Hundred, etc.; the committee on Finance; the committee
- President's Advisory Committee on Management; the Committee
- Republican National; the national committee; the committee;