Capitalization Examples
- Defense Establishment (see Establishment)
- Deity, words denoting, capitalized
- Delegate (U.S. Congress)
- Delegates, Virginia House of
- delegate (to a conference); the delegate; the delegation
- Delta, Mississippi River; the delta
- Democratic Party; a Democrat
- Department, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to a Federal or international unit:
- of Agriculture
- of the Treasury
- of Veterans Affairs
- Yale University Department of Economics; the department of economics; the department
- Department of New York, American Legion
- department:
- executive
- judicial
- legislative
- Depot, if part of name; the depot (see also Station)
- Depression, Great
- Deputy, if part of capitalized title; but the deputy
- derivatives of proper names:
- alaska seal (fur)
- angora wool
- angstrom unit
- argyle wool
- artesian well
- astrakhan fabric
- babbitt metal
- benday process
- bologna
- bordeaux
- bourbon whiskey
- bowie knife
- braille
- brazil nut
- brazilwood
- brewer's yeast
- bristolboard
- brussel sprouts
- brussels carpet
- bunsen burner
- burley tobacco
- Canada balsam (microscopy)
- carlsbad twins (petrography)
- cashmere shawl
- castile soap
- cesarean section
- chantilly lace
- chesterfield coat
- china clay
- chinese blue
- collins (drink)
- congo red
- cordovan leather
- coulomb
- curie
- degaussing apparatus
- delft ware
- derby hat
- diesel engine, dieselize
- dixie cup
- dotted swiss
- epsom salt
- fedora hat
- frankfurter
- french chalk
- french dressing
- french-fried potatoes
- fuller's earth
- gargantuan
- gauss
- georgette crepe
- german silver
- gilbert
- glauber salt
- gothic type
- graham cracker
- herculean task
- hessian fly
- holland cloth
- hoolamite detector
- hudson seal (fur)
- india ink
- india rubber
- italic type
- Jamaica ginger
- japan varnish
- jersey fabric
- johnin test
- joule
- knickerbocker
- kraft paper
- lambert
- leghorn hat
- levant leather
- levantine silk
- lilliputian
- logan tent
- london purple
- lyonnaise potatoes
- macadamized road
- mach (no period) number
- madras cloth
- maginot line (non literal)
- manila paper
- maraschino cherry
- mason jar
- maxwell
- melba toast
- mercerized fabric
- merino sheep
- molotov cocktail
- morocco leather
- morris chair
- murphy bed
- navy blue
- nelson, half nelson, etc.
- neon light
- newton
- nissen hut
- norfolk jacket
- oriental rug
- oxford shoe
- panama hat
- parianware
- paris green
- parkerhouse roll
- pasteurized milk
- persian lamb
- petri dish
- pharisaic
- philistine
- photostat
- pitman arm
- pitot tube
- plaster of paris
- prussian blue
- quisling
- quixotic idea
- quonset hut
- rembert wheel
- roentgen
- roman candle
- roman cement
- roman type
- russia leather
- russian bath
- rutherford
- sanforize
- saratoga chips
- scotch plaid, but Scotch tape (trademark)
- shanghai
- siamese twins
- spanish omelet
- stillson wrench
- surah silk
- swiss cheese
- timothy grass
- turkey red
- turkish towel
- utopia, utopian
- vandyke collar
- vaseline
- venetian blind
- venturi tube
- victoria (carriage)
- vienna bread
- virginia reel
- wedgwoodware
- wheatstone bridge
- wilton rug
- zeppelin
- dial-up
- Diet, Japanese (legislative body)
- diplomatic corps (see also Corps; service)