Capitalization Examples
- Midwest (section of United States);
- Midwestern States; but midwestern farmers, etc.
- Military Academy (see Academy)
- Military Establishment (see Establishment)
- milkshed, Ohio, etc. (region)
- millennium
- Minister Plenipotentiary; the Minister; Minister Without Portfolio (see also foreign cabinets)
- Ministry (see foreign cabinets)
- Minority Leader McConnell; Minority Leader Boehner; but the minority leader (U.S. Congress)
- Mint, Philadelphia, etc.; the mint
- minutemen (colonial)
- missiles: capitalize such missile names as Hellfire, Sparrow, Tomahawk, Scud, Trident, etc.; but cruise missile, air-to-air missile, surface-to-air missile, etc.
- Mission, if part of name; the mission:
- Gospel
- but diplomatic mission; military mission; Jones mission
- Monument:
- Bunker Hill; the monument
- Grounds; the grounds (Washington Monument)
- National (see National)
- Washington; the monument (District of Columbia)
- Mountain States
- mountain time, mountain standard time (see time)
- Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG)
- Mr. Chairman; Mr. Secretary; etc.
- Mujahedeen
- mullah
- Museum, capitalize with name; the museum:
- Field
- National
- National Air and Space; the Air Museum
- National Museum of the American Indian
- N
- Nation (synonym for United States); but a nation; nationwide; also French nation, Balkan nations
- Nation, Creek; Osage; etc.; the nation
- nation, in general, standing alone
- National, in conjunction with capitalized name:
- Academy of Sciences (see Academy) and State institutions, etc.
- Archives and Records Administration
- Capital (Washington); the Capital; but national capital area
- Endowment for the Arts; the Endowment
- Gallery of Art; the National Gallery; the gallery
- Grange; the Grange
- Guard, Ohio, etc.; Air National; the National Guard; the Guard; a guardsman; Reserve; but a National Guard man; National Guardsman
- Institute (see Institute)
- Legislature (see Legislature)
- Muir Woods National Monument etc.; the national monument; the monument
- Museum (see Museum)
- Naval Medical Center (Bethesda, MD)
- Park, Yellowstone, etc.; Yellowstone Park; the national park; the park
- Treasury; the Treasury
- War College
- Woman's Party
- Zoological Park (see Zoological)
- national:
- agency check (NAC)
- anthem, customs, spirit, etc.
- British, Mexican, etc.
- defense agencies