Page:U.s. v. kalashnikov and afanasyeva indictment 0.pdf/12

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  1. writing that Persona-1 was unsure that "Mr. Grigoriann . . . gave out any public interviews, but you could send [Commentator-1] our LinkedIn page," with a hyperlink to a LinkedIn page for Viewpoint Productions. Persona-1 also attached a receipt for another $8,000 money transfer from Czech Shell Entity-1 to Canadian Company-1.
  2. On or about April 21, 2023 and again on or about April 24, 2023, Founder-1 performed Google searches for "Eduard Grigoriann" and for "[Bank-1] Eduard Grigoriann." As of in or about August 2024, neither Google search returns any results for a person by that name, much less any webpages describing an "Eduard Grigoriann" as a finance professional affiliated with Bank-1.
  3. On or about April 24, 2023, Founder-1 emailed Persona-l that Commentator-1 was "really insisting on seeing some materials (profile, article, whatever) on Eduard before [Commentator-1] feels comfortable moving forward. Is there anything we can provide [Commentator-1] with?" Persona-1 responded that "we'll send you a profile on Mr. Grigoriann that you could send over to [Commentator-1]."
  4. On or about May 4, 2023, Persona-1 emailed Founder-1 "the CV" to provide to Commentator-1. That profile is reproduced with redactions and blurring below: