Page:UK Traffic Signs Manual - Chapter 3 Regulatory Signs. 2008 (Second Impression 2008).pdf/25

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611.1 Mini-roundabout

May be used only in conjunction with diagram 1003.4 and with either diagram 1003.3, or with diagrams 1003 and 602 together. It may also be used with diagram 1023

4.20 A sign to diagram 611.1 is used at mini-roundabouts and requires that vehicles entering a junction marked with diagram 1003.4 (see Chapter 5, paras 8.10 to 8.17) must give priority to vehicles from the right at the transverse broken line to diagram 1003.3, (see also para 4.23). If the transverse line is temporarily not visible, e.g. because of road works, priority must be given to traffic from the right at the road junction. The provision of this sign does not require a traffic regulation order. "Turn left" signs to diagram 606 are not used at mini-roundabouts.

4.21 The sign to diagram 611.1 should be placed on each approach to a mini-roundabout junction, in the correct orientation as shown in the diagram, at a distance of approximately 1.5 m before the transverse line. This might have to be increased if the sign would not otherwise be clearly visible, but to no more than 12 m. The sign may be duplicated on a traffic island in the middle of the road. To avoid misleading drivers, care should be taken when siting signs at a double mini-roundabout to ensure that the signs for each roundabout are not too close to each other. Advance warning of the roundabout may be given by the sign to diagram 510 (see para 2.16 in Chapter 4) or by an advance direction sign to diagram 2024, 2119 or 2120.

4.22 Three sizes of the sign to diagram 611.1 are prescribed (see Appendix A). As mini-roundabouts are only recommended for roads with a speed limit of 30 mph or less, the size normally used is 600 mm diameter. Larger sizes might be needed on wide approaches.

4.23 Sometimes adequate deflection to the left cannot be provided at the entry to a three-armed mini-roundabout (see Chapter 5, figure 8-3). Drivers entering the roundabout at relatively high speeds then frequently disregard the standard advisory Give Way line (diagram 1003.3). Provided that there is no side road entering from the left, the GIVE WAY sign to diagram 602 may be mounted above the mini-roundabout sign on this approach. The transverse marking to diagram 1003 and the triangular marking to diagram 1023 must then also be used (see Chapter 5, para 8.17). The GIVE WAY sign should not be used where a road enters from the left of the approach in question, on the stem of a T-junction or on any arm of a four-way junction, as experience has shown that drivers can be confused into believing they have to give way to traffic approaching from the left.


610 Vehicles must pass one the side indicated

May be used with diagram 608. The arrow may point downwards to the right

4.24 The "keep left" sign to diagram 610 may be erected without an order. It is used at traffic islands, refuges and on the central reservations of dual carriageway roads. At the start of a dual carriageway, it may be accompanied by the plate to diagram 608 (Dual carriageway). It is also used extensively at road works to indicate the required movement of vehicles past the works area (see Chapter 8).

4.25 The "keep left" sign is not normally used at the exit from roundabouts, as circulating traffic necessarily passes to the right of the sign. A plain-faced bollard would generally be used in this situation, but might not be necessary where direction signs have been provided. However, where there is