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as shown on working drawings P 615.1 and P 811.1 (see para 1.9). Where the distance is indicated, signs to diagram 615 and 811 as appropriate, each with an "End" plate to diagram 645, should be located at the termination of the priority section.

811 Traffic has priority over vehicles from the opposite direction

May be used only in combination with diagram 645 or 811.1. May be used only in conjunction with diagram 615. May be used with diagram 1043 or 1044

811.1 Priority over oncoming vehicles

May be used only in combination with diagram 811. The word "for" and a distance may be added (see Appendix B)

4.32 Where a priority system is used on a gradient steeper than about 2.5 %, the sign to diagram 615 should be mounted to face descending traffic. Where the gradient is less and the road narrows on one side only, the sign to diagram 615 should be mounted to face traffic approaching on that side of the road. In other cases the sign should be erected to face traffic which tends to give way more readily.

4.33 To give greater emphasis to the sign to diagram 615, the Give Way line and triangle to diagrams 1003 and 1023 may be used (see Chapter 5, para 3.24), but not the upright sign to diagram 602. When used in conjunction with a Give Way line, the sign should normally be sited about 1.5 m before the marking.

4.34 Where the width of the priority section is less than 4.5 m at its narrowest point, a yellow box to diagram 1043 or 1044 may be used to prevent vehicles from queuing back into the section and obstructing the flow from the opposite direction (see Chapter 5, para 12.13). This is appropriate only where queues are likely to form, for example near a junction, beyond the priority section.


4.35 The "one-way traffic" sign to diagram 652 may be used only to indicate the effect of a traffic regulation order which requires vehicles to proceed in one direction only. It should not be used to sign traffic along one carriageway of a dual carriageway road. However, where a rural dual carriageway comprises two one-way roads (i.e. where there is non-highway land between the two carriageways) each carriageway should be subject to a one-way traffic order and signs to diagram 652 provided accordingly. The ahead arrow road marking to diagram 1038 may be used in conjunction with the "one-way traffic" sign.

652 One-way traffic

4.36 A sign to diagram 652 should be erected on each side of the carriageway at the point of entry to a one-way road. The signs should be carefully sited to avoid possible confusion over which road they apply to. When the one-way road forms a junction with the