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6.8 Where the "no waiting at any time" prohibition applies to a period of less than four consecutive months in the year or less than seven days a week, the sign to diagram 639 is used. This is varied to "At any time", with the addition of the period or days of the week as appropriate. Diagram 639 is used with the single yellow line (diagram 1017) and never with the double yellow line (diagram 1018.1). Where there is also a loading prohibition, the combined sign shown in diagram 640 is used, varied as appropriate. The corresponding road markings will be the single yellow line (diagram 1017) and the single kerb mark (diagram 1019). Double kerb marks (diagram 1020.1) would not normally be used because the loading prohibition is unlikely to apply for 24 hours each day and for a period of at least four consecutive months, as this would be a longer period than that for the waiting prohibition.

638 Continuous prohibition of loading and unloading

Permitted variants An arrow may be added pointing to the left or to the right.
Roadmarkings 1020.1

637.3 Continuous prohibition of waiting for at least four consecutive months

Permitted variants The arrow may be reversed or omitted. The time periods may be varied and dates may be added.
Road markings 1020.1 when indicating a period of at least four consecutive months.
1019 for any other period. (See table 6-2)

638.1 Prohibition of loading and unloading during the periods shown

Permitted variants An arrow may be added pointing to the left or to the right.

"1 May—30 Sept" may be varied to any period of not less than four consecutive months.

Road markings 1018.1

Table 6-1 Examples of the use of "no waiting at any time" plates
diagram no.
Road marking
diagram no.
At any time None used 1018.1
At any time
1 May
3O Sept
637.3 1018.1
At any time
1 Jul—31 Aug
639 1017
At any time
639 1017

Table 6-2 Examples of the use of road markings with loading restriction plates
Loading restriction Sign
diagram no.
Road marking
diagram no.
At any time 638 1020.1
At any time
1 May-3O Sept
638.1 1020.1
At any time
1 Jul-31Aug
638.1 1019
At any time
638.1 1019
Any period less
than 24hr
638.1 1019