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S/RES/2339 (2017)

29. Requests the Secretariat to provide to the Security Council, by 30 May 2017, options for the elaboration of benchmarks, in coordination with EUTM and other active partners in the field of SSR and in consultation with the CAR Authorities, to assess the arms embargo measures according to the progress of the SSR, including FACA and Internal Security Forces and their needs, as well as additional information on the Panel of Experts’ recommended arms embargo working group to be potentially established within MINUSCA by the Security Council, including on the composition, tasks, functioning, resource requirements and implication with regards the implementation of MINUSCA’s mandate, of such a working group, with reference to previous similar experiences in other UN Peacekeeping Missions;

30. Calls upon the Panel of Experts to cooperate actively with other Panels or Groups of Experts established by the Security Council, as relevant to the implementation of their mandate;

31. Expresses particular concern about reports of illicit trafficking networks which continue to fund and supply armed groups in the CAR, and encourages the Panel, in the course of carrying out its mandate, to devote special attention to the analysis of such networks;

32. Urges the CAR, its neighbouring States and other Member States of the ICGLR to cooperate at the regional level to investigate and combat criminal networks and armed groups involved in the illegal exploitation and smuggling of natural resources including gold, diamonds and wildlife poaching and trafficking;

33. Urges all parties, and all Member States, as well as international, regional and subregional organizations to ensure cooperation with the Panel of Experts and the safety of its members;

34. Further urges all Member States and all relevant United Nations bodies to ensure unhindered access, in particular to persons, documents and sites in order for the Panel of Experts to execute its mandate;

35. Requests the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and the Special Representative for Sexual Violence in Conflict to continue sharing relevant information with the Committee in accordance with paragraph 7 of resolution 1960 (2010) and paragraph 9 of resolution 1998 (2011);

Reporting and review
36. Calls upon all States, particularly those in the region and those in which designated individuals and entities designated are based, to actively implement the measures contained in this resolution and to regularly report to the Committee on the actions they have taken to implement the measures imposed by paragraphs 54 and 55 of resolution 2127 (2013) and paragraphs 30 and 32 of resolution 2134 (2014) renewed by paragraphs 1, 2, 5 and 12 of this resolution;

37. Requests the Committee to report orally, through its Chair, at least once per year to the Council, on the state of the overall work of the Committee, including alongside the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the CAR on the