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S/RES/2339 (2017)

paragraphs 12 or 13 of resolution 2262 (2016) or this resolution, or an entity ownedor controlled by a designated individual or entity;

18. Welcomes measures taken by Member States of the InternationalConference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) to implement the RegionalInitiative against Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources as endorsed in the 2010Lusaka Declaration, including promoting the use by economic actors of DueDiligence Frameworks such as the OECD Due Diligence Guidance f or ResponsibleSupply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, andencourages all States, particularly those in the region, to continue to raise awarenessof the due diligence guidelines;

Sanctions Committee
19. Decides that the mandate of the Committee shall apply with respect tothe measures imposed in paragraphs 54 and 55 of resolution 2127 (2013) andparagraphs 30 and 32 of resolution 2134 (2014) extended by this resolution;

20. Emphasizes the importance of holding regular consultations withconcerned Member States, international and regional and subregional organizations,as may be necessary, in particular neighbouring and regional States, in order toensure full implementation of the measures renewed by this resolution, and in thatregard encourages the Committee to consider, where and when appropriate, visits toselected countries by the Chair and/or Committee members;

21. Encourages all Member States, in particular neighbouring States andMember States of the Economic Community of the Central African States (ECCAS)and of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) to utilizethe advance notification and exemption procedures pursuant to paragraph 1 of thisresolution to return arms and related materiel of all types belonging to the FACA, orto implement technical assistance, training or other assistance related to militaryactivities by the Central African national security and defence forces, and in thisregard requests the Panel of Experts to provide the necessary assistance as perparagraph 28 (b) of this resolution;

22. Requests the Committee to identify possible cases of non-compliancewith the measures pursuant to paragraphs 1, 2, 5 and 12 above and to determine theappropriate course of action on each case, and requests the Chair, in regular reportsto the Council pursuant to paragraph 37 below, to provide progress reports on theCommittee’s work on this issue;

23. Recognizes the KP’s decision that the CAR may resume trade in roughdiamonds from “compliant zones” established under conditions set forth by the KP,notes that the KP intends to keep the Security Council, the Committee and its Panelof Experts, and MINUSCA informed of its decisions and, requests the KP Chair of the Working Group on Monitoring to periodically update the Committee on thework of the KP CAR Monitoring Team, including any decisions on areas designatedas “compliant zones” and decisions related to the trade of the stockpiles of roughdiamonds held in the CAR;

24. Calls for enhanced vigilance from trading centres and States in theregion to support the CAR authorities’ efforts to re-establish legitimate trade andbenefit from its natural resources; and commends the CAR for taking special