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S/RES/2340 (2017)

6.Reiterates its support for the efforts of the United Nations/African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), the United Nations Secretary-General, AUHIP, the Joint Special Representative, and the leaders of the region to promote peace and stability in Darfur;

7.Urges the non-signatory groups to sign the AU Roadmap urgently as an important milestone in determining a practicable way forward towards a cessation of hostilities and an inclusive political dialogue;

Arms Embargo

8.Expresses its concern that the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer to Sudan of technical assistance and support, including training, financial or other assistance and the provision of spare parts, weapons systems and related materiel, could be used by the Government of Sudan to support military aircraft being used in violation of resolutions 1556 (2004) and 1591 (2005), including those aircraft identified by the panel, and urges all States to be mindful of this risk in light of the measures contained in resolution 1591 (2005);

9. Recalls the Government of Sudan’s obligations under resolution 1591 (2005), including the requirement to request advance approval from the Committee for the movement of military equipment and supplies into the Darfur region;

10.Calls upon the Government of Sudan to address the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation, and misuse of small arms and light weapons in Darfur, which also contributes to instability in the region, and further to ensure the safe and effective management, storage and security of their stockpiles of small arms and light weapons, and the collection and/or destruction of surplus, seized, unmarked, or illicitly held weapons and ammunition, and calls upon the Government of Sudan and other signatories to swiftly fulfil their commitments under the DDPD to implement and complete disarmament, demobilization and reintegration;

11. Expresses its concern that certain items continue to be converted for military purposes and transferred to Darfur, and urges all States to be mindful of this risk in light of the measures contained in resolution 1591 (2005);


12.Condemns the continued violations of the measures contained in paragraphs 7 and 8 of resolution 1556 (2004) and paragraph 7 of resolution 1591 (2005), as updated in paragraph 9 of resolution 1945 (2010) and 4 of resolution 2035 (2012) and directs the Committee, in line with its mandate and guidelines, to consult as soon as possible with any Member State about which the Committee deems there is credible information that provides reasonable grounds to believe the State is facilitating such violations or any other acts of non-compliance with these measures;

13.Expresses its concern that the travel ban and asset freeze on designated individuals is not being implemented by all Member States, requests the Panel to share with the Committee any information regarding possible non-compliance with the travel ban and asset freeze as soon as possible, and directs the Committee to respond effectively to any reports of non-compliance by Member States with
