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S/RES/2340 (2017)


23.Urges the Government of Sudan to respond to the Committee requests on measures put in place to protect civilians in all of Darfur, particularly in Jebel Marra, including those affected by new displacements; investigations conducted and accountability measures undertaken for unlawful killings of civilians and other human rights violations and abuses and violations of international humanitarian law, including investigations conducted and accountability measures undertaken for attacks against peacekeepers and humanitarian personnel; and the situation of civilian populations in areas across Darfur and in particular the Jebel Marra region affected by the humanitarian crisis, where the Panel of Experts, UNAMID and humanitarian agencies and personnel have been denied access, and measures taken to allow timely, safe, and unhindered access for humanitarian relief to these areas, in accordance with international law, including international humanitarian law, and the United Nations guiding principles of humanitarian assistance, including humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence;

24.Welcomes the Committee’s work, which has drawn on the reports of the Panel and taken advantage of the work done in other fora, and urges all States, relevant United Nations bodies, the African Union and other interested parties, to cooperate fully with the Committee and the Panel of Experts, in particular by supplying any information at their disposal on implementation of the measures imposed by resolution 1591 (2005), resolution 1556 (2004), and resolution 1945 (2010) and to provide timely responses to information requests;

25.Requests the Panel of Experts to continue to coordinate its activities as appropriate with the operations of UNAMID, with international efforts to promote a political process in Darfur, and with other Panels or Groups of Experts, established by the Security Council, as relevant to the implementation of its mandate;

26.Requests the Panel of Experts to assess in its first and final reports progress towards reducing violations by all parties of the measures imposed by paragraphs 7 and 8 of resolution 1556 (2005), paragraph 7 of resolution 1591 (2005), and paragraph 10 of resolution 1945 (2010), and progress towards removing impediments to the political process, threats to stability in Darfur and the region; violations of international humanitarian law or violations or abuses of human rights, including those that involve attacks on the civilian population, sexual- and gender-based violence, violations and abuses against children, and other violations of the above-mentioned resolutions, and to provide the Committee with information on the individuals and entities that meet the listing criteria in paragraph 3 (c) of resolution 1591;

Sanctions Committee

27.Reaffirms the mandate of the Committee to encourage dialogue with interested Member States, in particular those in the region, including by inviting representatives of such States to meet with the Committee to discuss implementation of the measures and further encourages the Committee to continue its dialogue with UNAMID;
