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S/RES/2343 (2017)

Welcoming the continued contribution of ECOMIB in ensuring an environment that enables the implementation of critical reforms in the defence and security sector and encouraging the international community to support the continuation of such efforts,

Taking note with concern of the financial difficulties faced by ECOMIB in continuing to implement its mandate,

Reiterating its call on the Government of Guinea-Bissau to conduct transparent, independent and credible investigations into human rights violations and abuses, in accordance with international standards, and to hold those responsible accountable for their actions,

Reiterating its concern at the threat posed by drug trafficking, as well as trafficking in all forms, including trafficking in persons, and related transnational organized crime to peace and stability; and, in this regard, welcoming the efforts of the Government of Guinea-Bissau, ECOWAS, UNIOGBIS, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and other relevant stakeholders in combating this issue,

Re-emphasizing the need to tackle the problem of drug trafficking in the countries of origin, transit and final destination on a basis of a common and shared responsibility, to tackle the world drug problem and related criminal activities; and, in this regard, stressing the need for increased coherence, coordination and efficiency among relevant partners to enhance their collective efforts, in particular through sharing of information, underlining that any lasting solution to instability in Guinea-Bissau should include concrete actions to fight impunity and ensure that those responsible for politically motivated assassinations and other serious crimes such as breaches of constitutional order and drug trafficking-related activities are brought to justice, including through national judicial mechanisms,

Reiterating the importance and urgency of the continued evaluation capacity and support provided by the relevant United Nations entities and international, regional, subregional and bilateral partners for the long -term security and development of Guinea-Bissau, particularly towards the implementation of security and justice sectors reforms, the fight against transnational organized crime as well as the creation of an enabling environment for good governance and inclusive and sustainable social development, and in this regard, commending the important work UNODC in collaboration with relevant United Nations entities in Guinea-Bissau and the subregion, and encouraging enhanced cooperation between UNODC and UNIOGBIS,

Emphasizing the role of UNICEF working closely with government to create the proper conditions to provide education for the children of Guinea-Bissau,

Emphasizing the important role of women in prevention and resolution of conflicts and in peacebuilding, as recognized in resolutions 1325 (2000) and subsequent resolution on women, peace and security,

Emphasizing the cooperation between UNIOGBIS, national authorities and

civil society organizations to increase women’s participation in Guinea-Bissau and underlining that a gender perspective must continue to inform the implementation of all relevant aspects of the mandate of UNIOGBIS, including security sector reform,
