United Nations—Treaty Series
- (V) when the member requested to make the purchase is for any reason not entitled to buy currencies of other members from the Fund for its own currency.
Section 5. Furnishing of information
(a) The Fund may require members to furnish it with such information as it deems necessary for its operations, including, as the minimum necessary for the effective discharge of the Fund's duties, national data on the following matters:
- (I) Official holdings at home and abroad of (1) gold, (2) foreign exchange.
- (II) Holdings at home and abroad by banking and financial agencies, other than official agencies, of (1) gold, (2) foreign exchange.
- (III) Production of gold.
- (IV) Gold exports and imports according to countries of destination and origin.
- (V) Total exports and imports of merchandise, in terms of local currency values, according to countries of destination and origin.
- (VI) International balance of payments, including (1) trade in goods and services, (2) gold transactions, (3) known capital transactions, and (4) other items.
- (VII) International investment position, i.e., investments within the territories of the member owned abroad and investments abroad owned by persons in its territories so far as it is possible to furnish this information.
- VIII) National income.
- (IX) Price indices, i.e., indices of commodity prices in wholesale and retail markets and of export and import prices.
- (X) Buying and selling rates for foreign currencies.
- (XI) Exchange control, i.e., a comprehensive statement of exchange controls in effect at the time of assuming membership in the Fund and details of subsequent changes as they occur.
- (XII) Where official clearing arrangements exist, details of amounts