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United Nations — Treaty Series

of the two countries shall enjoy, on entering, leaving and stationing in Soviet and Argentine ports, the most favourable treatment accorded under their respective legislations to vessels flying the flag of third States with respect to port regulations and the operations conducted in ports.

Article 2

The Governments of the USSR and the Argentine Republic shall promote, on the basis of a balance of deliveries and payments, the exchange of goods, especially those specified in schedules A and B, annexed, and, on the expiry of the said schedules, those to be determined by agreement between the High Contracting Parties in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.



Article 3

Soviet foreign trade organizations and Argentine State or private foreign trade organizations authorized thereto under existing regulations shall conclude in the USSR and Argentina contracts for the delivery of goods in accordance with this Agreement.

Article 4

The USSR Government and the Argentine Government guarantee that, in the absence of any agreement to the contrary between the competent authorities in the two countries, all goods exchanged between the two countries shall be intended exclusively to satisfy domestic consumption and industrial requirements in the purchasing country.

Article 5

Each of the two Governments undertakes to do everything in its power to ensure that the deliveries provided for this Agreement are made. In particular, the competent authorities of the two countries shall issue the licences required to give effect to the foregoing provisions.

Article 6

The organizations referred to in article 3 may also conclude contracts for the delivery of goods other than those specified in the schedules provided for No. 3004