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United Nations — Treaty Series'

in articles 2 and 17, subject to compliance with the regulations in force in the two countries relating to the importation and exportation of goods.

The competent authorities of the two Governments shall give favourable consideration to requests for the issue of licences for the importation and exportation of such goods.



Article 7

All payments in respect of direct commercial or non-commercial operations between the USSR and the Argentine Republic shall be made in accordance with the conditions laid down in this Agreement.

For this purpose the State Bank of the USSR, acting on behalf of the Government of the USSR, and the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, acting on behalf of the Government of the Argentine Republic, shall open the necessary accounts in United States dollars, to which receipts and payments in respect of operations carried out under this Agreement shall be credited or debited as the case may be.

Article 8

The operations referred to in article 7 shall be effected in " United States dollars - Argentine-Soviet Agreement ".

For the purpose of converting "United States dollars - Argentine-Soviet Agreement" into roubles or Argentine pesos, and vice versa, the same rates of exchange shall be applied as are established by the regulations in force for similar operations effected in freely convertible dollars in the country concerned.

Article 9

Where the balance of the accounts opened in accordance with article 7 exceeds 11 million United States dollars, the debtor Bank shall, at the request of the creditor Bank, pay the amount of the excess by telegraphic transfers in United States dollars or in such other freely convertible currency as may be agreed upon between the Banks. In the last-mentioned case, the rate of exchange to be used for converting the amount involved into the other currency shall be the average official rate for the United States dollar on the market of the country of the currency of payment on the day on which the operation is performed.

No. 3004