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United Nations — Treaty Series

In accordance with the procedure laid down in the foregoing paragraph, payments shall be made to the appropriate recipients irrespective of the state of the above-mentioned accounts.

Article 10

In the event of a change in the official price of gold in the United States of America (at present $35.00 per troy ounce of fine gold), the balance of the accounts referred to in article 7 at the close of business on the day preceding the change shall be ajusted in proportion to the change.

Article 11

The payments referred to in article 7 shall include:

(a) Payments for goods originating in the USSR and the Argentine Republic exchanged by the two countries under this Agreement;

(b) Freight, port charges, shipping charges and expenses connected with the commercial operations referred to in the foregoing sub-paragraph;

(c) Insurance, insurance premiums and insurance payments;

(d) Remuneration paid and expenses incurred by diplomatic, commercial and consular missions of either country in the other, and all other payments of an official nature, including consular fees;

(e) All other payments of any kind, subject to compliance with the regulations in force in the country concerned relating to currency operations and the transfer of funds abroad, and any payments agreed upon between the two Parties.

Article 12

After the expiry of this Agreement, the State Bank of the USSR and the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic shall continue to accept payments for the credit of the accounts referred to in article 7 and to make payments from these accounts in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement in respect of all contracts concluded during the period of its validity.

If it is found that one of the Parties is a debtor under the accounts referred to in article 7, the said Party shall be obliged to liquidate the debit balance, taking into account the contracts referred to in the foregoing paragraph, within a period of twelve months from the date of expiry of this Agreement, by deliveries of goods to be agreed upon between the Parties.

If the debt is not fully liquidated by deliveries of goods within the said period of twelve months, the debtor Party shall be required to liquidate the remaining debit balance at the request of the creditor Party in United States dollars, or, by agreement between the above-mentioned banks, in some other freely convertible currency.

No. 3004