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United Nations — Treaty Series

Article 13

The USSR agrees to facilitate the financing of the purchases of machinery and equipment which Argentina is to make in the USSR during the first year in which this Agreement is in force, to the value of 30 million "United States dollars - Argentine-Soviet Agreement ".

The two Governments shall agree on the procedure for determining the method of financing these operations and of making payments in connexion with them.

Article 14

The State Bank of the USSR and the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic shall determine by common agreement the technical arrangements for giving effect to the provisions of this Agreement relating to the system of payments.



Article 15

The two Governments agree to set up a Mixed Consultative Committee, with headquarters at Buenos Aires, to ensure that the provisions of the Agreement are carried out and to propose measures designed to facilitate and expand trade between the two countries.

Article 16

This Agreement shall enter into force ten days after the date of signature and shall remain in force for one year. On the expiry of that period, the Agreement shall be renewed by tacit consent from year to year, unless either of the Parties terminates it by giving notice to that effect in writing ninety days before the expiry of any one-year period of validity.

Article 17

Schedules A and B annexed to this Agreement shall have effect for one year. The two Governments undertake, during the ninety days preceding the expiry, of the period of validity of the above-mentioned schedules, to agree on new schedules or to extend the validity of the existing schedules.

No. 3004