Page:UN Treaty Series - vol 221.pdf/138

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United Nations — Treaty Series


Exports from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Argentine Republic

Crude oil 500,000 tons
Petroleum derivatives 500,000 U.S. dollars
Coal 300,000 tons
Raw materials and industrial products:
Steel billets 50,000 tons
Cast iron 20,000 tons
Sheet iron 28,000 tons
Tool steel and other metallurgical products 1,200,000 U.S. dollars
Pipes for the oil industry 40,000 tons
Asbestos 8,000 tons
Lampblack 9,000 tons
Dyes 1,000,000 U.S. dollars
Drugs and medicaments 500,000 U. S. dollars
Precision instruments 500,000 U. S. dollars
Railway equipment:
Rails and their accessories 60,000 tons
Axles and tyres 150,000 tons
Boiler plates 2,000 tons
Special steels for springs, boiler pipes, frogs and points, tramway rails and their accessories 3,600,000 U.S. dollars
Miscellaneous P.M.

Capital Goods

Equipment and materials for the oil industry 30,000,000 U.S. dollars
Coal-mining equipment and materials
Railway equipment
Electric power equipment and materials
Tractors and machinery for agriculture
Other machinery and miscellaneous equipment
