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United Nations — Treaty Series

Article 4

Repayment of the loan shall be made in gold - the quantity of which shall not be less than that received - in United States dollars or in some other currency agreed upon between the Banks, such dollars and currency to be calculated in roubles on the basis of their gold parity rate on the date of repayment and of a rouble fine-gold content of 0.222168 grammes.

Payment of the interest referred to in article 3 shall also be made in gold, in United States dollars or in some other currency agreed upon between the Banks.

Article 5

The receipt of funds under the loan, the repayment of the loan, the payment of interest on the loan and reimbursement for expenses in connexion with loan transactions shall be effected through the State Bank of the USSR and the Bank of Finland.

The State Bank of the USSR and the Bank of Finland shall jointly determine the procedure for formalizing obligations under the loan and the procedure for the settlement of accounts between them under this Agreement.

Article 6

The present Agreement shall be subject to ratification as soon as possible and shall come into force on the date of the exchange of the instruments of ratification, which shall take place at Helsinki.

Done at Moscow on 6 February 1954, in two copies, each in the Russian and Finnish languages, both texts being equally authentic.

By authorization of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:

(Signed) I. G. Kabanov

By authorization of the Government of the Republic of Finland:

(Signed) T. Aura

No. 3006