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United Nations — Treaty Series

For the Bank: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1818 H Street, N. W., Washington 25, D. C., United States of America.

Section 5.02. The Ministro de Hacienda y Comercio of the Guarantor is designated for the purposes of Section 8.03 of the Loan Regulations.

In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto, acting through their representatives thereunto duly authorized, have caused this Guarantee Agreement to be signed in their respective names and delivered in the District of Columbia, United States of America, as of the day and year first above written.

Republic of Perú

By F. Berckmeyer

Authorized Representative

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

By J. Burke Knapp

Director of Operations, Western Hemisphere



Loan Regulations Applicable to Loans Made by the Bank to Borrowers other than Member Government

Article I

Purpose; Applications to Loan and Guaruntee Agreements

Section 1.01. Purpose. The purpose of these Regulations is to set forth certain terms and conditions generally applicable to loans made by the Bank to borrowers other than its members.

Section 1.02. Application of Regulations. Any loan agreement between the Bank and a borrower other than a member and any guarantee agreement between the Bank and a member may provide that the parties thereto accept the provisions of these Regulations. To the extent so provided in any such agreement, these Regulations shall apply thereto and shall govern the rights and obligations thereunder of the parties thereto with the same force and effect as if they were fully set forth therein. These Regulations do not apply to any loan made directly to a member.

Section 1.03. Revocation or Amendment. These Regulations are subject to revocation or amendment by the Bank at any time without prior notice, but no such revocation or amendment shall be effective in respect of any loan agreement or guarantee agreement previously entered into unless the parties thereto shall so agree.

No. 3007