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United Nations — Treaty Series

(g) The Guarantor shall have been suspended from membership in or ceased to be a member of the Bank.

(h) The Guarantor shall have ceased to be a member of the International Monetary Fund or shall have become ineligible to use the resources of said Fund under Section 6 of Article IV of the Articles of Agreement of said Fund[1] or shall have been declared ineligible to use said resources under Section 5 of Article V, Section 1 of Article VI or Section 2(a) of Article XV of the Articles of Agreement of said Fund.

(i) After the date of the Loan Agreement and prior to the Effective Date any action shall have been taken which would have constituted a violation of any covenant contained in the Loan Agreement or Guarantee Agreement relating to the creation of liens as security for debt if the Loan Agreement and Guarantee Agreement had been effective on the date such action was taken.

(j) Any other event specified in the Loan Agreement for the purposes of this Section shall have occurred.

The right of the Borrower to make withdrawals from the Loan Account shall continue to be suspended until the event which gave rise to such suspension shall have ceased to exist or until the Bank shall have notified the Borrower that the right to make withdrawals has been restored, whichever is the earlier.

Section 5.03. Cancellation by the Bank. If any of the events described in Section 5.02 shall have happened and be continuing, or if the Borrower shall not at the Closing Date have withdrawn from the Loan Account the full amount of the Loan, the Bank may by notice to the Borrower terminate the right of the Borrower to make withdrawals from the Loan Account. Upon the giving of such notice the unwithdrawn amount of the Loan shall be cancelled.

Section 5.04. Application of Cancellation or Suspension to Amounts Subject to Special Commitment. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 5.01, 5.02 and 5.03, no cancellation or suspension pursuant to this Article shall apply to amounts subject to any special commitment entered into by the Bank pursuant to Section 4.02 except as expressly provided in such commitment.

Section 5.05. Application of Cancellation to Maturities of the Loan. Except as otherwise agreed between the Bank and the Borrower, any cancellation pursuant to this Article shall be applied pro rata to the several maturities of the principal amount of the Loan as set forth in the amortization schedule to the Loan Agreement, except that no such cancellation shall be applied to Bonds theretofore delivered or requested pursuant to Article VI, or to portions of the Loan theretofore sold by the Bank.

Section 5.06. Effectiveness of Provisions after Suspension or Cancellation. Notwithstanding any cancellation or suspension pursuant to this Article, all the provisions of these Regulations, the Loan Agreement and the Guarantee Agreement shall continue in full force and effect except as in this Article specifically provided.

  1. United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 2, p. 40; Vol. 19, p. 280; Vol. 141, p. 355, and Vol. 199, p. 308.

No. 3007