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United Nations — Treaty Series

government referred to, whether or not such government is a member. Whenever reference is made to the currency of the Guarantor, the term "currency" includes the currencies of all colonies and territories on whose behalf at the time referred to the Guarantor has accepted membership in the Bank.

9. The term "dollars" and the sign "$" mean dollars in currency of the United States.

10. The term "Bonds" means bonds executed and delivered by the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement; and such term includes any such bonds issued in exchange for, or on transfer of, Bonds as herein defined.

11. The term "Loan Account" means the account on the books of the Bank to which the amount of the Loan is to be credited as provided in Section 2.01.

12. The term "Project" means the project or projects or program or programs for which the Loan is granted, as described in the Loan Agreement and as the description thereof shall be amended from time to time by agreement between the Bank and the Borrower.

13. The term "goods" means equipment, supplies and services which are required for the Project. Wherever reference is made to the cost of any goods, such cost shall be deemed to include the cost of importing such goods into the territories of the Guarantor.

14. The term "external debt" means any debt payable in any medium other than currency of the Guarantor, whether such debt is payable absolutely or at the option of the creditor in such other medium.

15. The term "Closing Date" means the date specified in the Loan Agreement as the Closing Date, or such other date as shall be agreed upon by the Bank and the Borrower as the Closing Date.

16. The term "Effective Date" means the date on which the Loan Agreement and Guarantee Agreement shall come into force and effect as provided in Section 9.03.

17. The term "lien" shall include mortgages, pledges, charges, privileges and priorities of any kind.

18. The term "assets" shall include revenues and property of any kind.

19. The terms "tax" and " taxes " shall include imposts, duties and levies of any kind, whether in effect at the date of the Loan Agreement or Guarantee Agreement or thereafter imposed.

20. Wherever reference is made to the incurring of debt such reference shall include the assumption and guarantee of debt.

References in these Regulations to Articles or Sections are to Articles or Sections of these Regulations; references in a Loan Agreement or a Guarantee Agreement to Articles or Sections are to Articles or Sections of such Agreement.

Section 10.02. Headings. The headings of the Articles and Sections and the Table of Contents are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not a part of these Regulations.

No. 3007