Page:UN Treaty Series - vol 221.pdf/208

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United Nations — Treaty Series

In certain events provided in said Loan Agreement, the Bank, at its option, may declare the principal of all the Bonds then outstanding (if not already due) to be due and payable immediately, and upon any such declaration such principal shall be due and payable immediately.

The principal of the Bonds, the interest accruing thereon and the premium, if any, on the redemption thereof shall be paid without deduction for and free from any taxes, imposts, levies or duties of any nature or any restrictions now or at any time hereafter imposed under the laws of [name of Guarantor] or laws in effect in its territories; provided, however, that the provisions of this paragraphshall not apply to the taxation of payments made under the provisions of any Bond to a holder thereof other than the Bank when such Bond is beneficially owned by an individual or corporate resident of [name of Guarantor].

[The Borrower] may deem and treat the bearer of any coupon Bond, and the bearer of any coupon for interest on any Bond, and the registeredowner of any registered Bond, as the absolute owner thereoffor allpurposes whatsoever notwithstanding any notice to the contrary; and all payments to such beareror to or on the order of such registered owner, as the case may be, shall be valid and effectual to discharge the liability of [the Borrower] upon such coupon Bond, such coupon or such registeredBond to the extent of the sum or sums so paid.

This Bond shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose until it shall have been [insert appropriate reference to authentication, signature or attestation].

In Witness whereof [the Borrower] has caused this Bond to be signed in its name by [here insert reference to official or officials signing Bonds, to countersignatures, attestation and seal, if used, and, if any signature is a facsimile signature, make reference thereto].

[Signature, attestation, authentication, as may be appropriate]

Dated ..............................

Note: Italicized provisions may be omitted if Borrower desires.

Form of Assignment and Transfer

For Value Recived ........................................................................... hereby sell, assign and transfer unto ............................................................. the within Bond issued by [Name of Borrower] and hereby irrevocably authorize said [Borrower] to transfer said Bond on its books.


Dated ......................

Witness: ........................

No. 3007