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United Nations — Treaty Series

and in the Registro de Concesiones y Derechos Mineros, page 57 of volume 1 of Concesiones, dated September 25, 1950. (Comprises 30 million metric tons of limestone.)

2. Concession Norte No. 2—40 hectares located at Cerro Silletita, District of Trinidad, Province of Contumaza, registered in the Padrón de Minas under No. 2 of sustancias no metálicas, and in the Registro de Concesiones y Derechos Mineros at page 59 of Volume I of Concesiones, dated September 25, 1950. (Comprises lime and clay.)

3. Concession Norte No. 3—40 hectares located at Pampa Tecapa at km 27 of the Pacasmayo-Chilete railroad, San José District, Pacasmayo Province, registered in the Pádrdn de Minas under No. 6 of sustancias no metálicas and in the Registro de Concesiones y Derechos Mineros at page 107 of Volume I of Concesiones. (Comprises lime and clay.)

4. (a) Concession Norte No. 4—60 hectares of land for manufacturing facilities, located in the City of Pacasmayo, District and Province of Pacasmayo, registered as entry 1470 in the Registro de Denunciusand 1067 of the Estado de Concesiones.

(b) 420 hectares of land which together with the 60 hectares described under Concession Norte No. 4 in paragraph 4 (a) above make up a total of 480 hectares granted by the Concejo Distrital de Pacasmayo under a deed dated June 19,1950, approved by Resolución Suprema No. 1196 dated August 9, 1950 and registered as inscriptión preventiva in volume 140, page 389, asiento No. 1, partida 180 of the Registro de la PropiedadInmueble de Trujillo.

No. 3007