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United Nations — Treaty Series

(c) If and when the Suez/Agrud "A " line is used for moving MT gasoline or kerosine, the Government of the Republic of Egypt shall pay to the contractor a throughput charge of twelve Piastres per metric product ton of the quantities so moved.

(d) If and when the Suez/Agrud "W" line is used for moving aviation spirit, thecontractor shall pay to the Government of the Republic of Egypt a throughput charge of twelve Piastres per metric product ton of the quantities so moved.

(e) No charge will be made by the Government of the Republic of Egypt to the Government of the United Kingdom or to the contractor for the use of the Suez/Agrud lines for the constitution or reconstitution of the MT gasoline reserves.

(f) Should any quantity of MT gasoline be withdrawn by the contractor from the reserves of the Government of the United Kingdom at Agrud for any other purpose than turnover into the Egyptian civilian market, the contractor shall pay to the Government of the Republic of Egypt a throughput charge of twelve Piastres per metric ton on the quantities so withdrawn.

(g) Should any of the MT gasoline from the reserves of the Government of the United Kingdom at Agrud be pumped back to Suez for export, the contractor shall pay to the Government of the Republic of Egypt a throughput charge of twenty-four Piastres per metric ton of the product so moved.

(h) If extra personnel or labour over and above the level of personnel and labour agreed as necessary for the operation and maintenance of the pipeline system between the Government of the Republic of Egypt and the Shell Company of Egypt, and solely connected with the reserves of the Government of the United Kingdom, are employed by the Government of the Republic of Egypt at the request of the Government of the United Kingdom, the extra cost involved will be paid by the Government of the United Kingdom through the contractor. Further, the Government of the United Kingdom will, through the contractor, reimburse the Government of the Republic of Egypt the amount of any compensation and indemnities which may be payable under Egyptian laws in respect of the period for which such extra personnel or labour are so employed.

3.—(a) The maintenance expenses in respect of the Suez/Agrud "A" line shall be borne by the Government of the United Kingdom through the contractor. The maintenance expenses of the Suez/Agrud "W" line shall be borne by the Government of the Republic of Egypt.

(b) The expenses of operating the Suez/Agrud "A" and "W" lines, taken as a single unit, shall be shared by the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Egypt in proportion to the tonnage of products received into the Agrud Installation through the Suez/Agrud "A" and "W" lines respectively.

(c) For the purpose of calculating the maintenance expenses of the Agrud Installation (the tanks and inter-connecting pipelines and ancillary plant situated at Agrud, from the tee-off of the Suez-Agrud 12-inch lines where they enter the installation up to the "Cairo pumphouse") it shall be considered as a single unit. The expenses of the cleaning, repairs and maintenance of this unit and of the materials necessary thereto shall be borne by the Government of the Republic of Egypt and the Government of the United Kingdom in the proportion of 30 per cent. by the former and 70 per cent. by the latter. If a change in the allocation of tankage capacity occurs as a result of the exercise by the Government of the United Kingdom of the discretionary power reserved in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 1 and sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph 5 of this Annex, the propor-

No. 3008