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United Nations — Treaty Series

tion of expenses to be borne by the two Governments respectively shall be revised to conform with the amount of tankage capacity in use by each of them.

(d) The two Governments will share in a proportion to be agreed, and to be based on a realistic estimate, the costs of such common services, including transport, management and other overheads, as are provided by the contractor jointly for the purposes of the two Governments and are not otherwise provided for in this Annex.

4.—(a) The Government of the Republic of Egypt shall not be responsible for the cost of any losses of MT gasoline or aviation spirit between Suez and Agrud which may occur in the process of the constitution or reconstitution of the reserves referred to in paragraph 1 of this Annex, nor for losses of aviation spirit while stored in the Agrud Installation.

(b) The cost of losses of MT gasoline while stored in the Agrud Installation shall be borne by the Government of the Republic of Egypt and the Government of the United Kingdom in proportion to a monthly arithmetical average of the daily opening stocks held on behalf of each Government calculated according to the contractor's records.

(c) The Government of the Republic of Egypt shall not be responsible for losses due to any deterioration that may occur in the reserves of the Government of the United Kingdom provided that the Government of the Republic of Egypt shall have provided all necessary facilities for the reserves held in the installations to be turned over within a period of three months.

5.—(a) The cost of cleaning and inspection of certain tanks at Agrud already in hand or contracted for by the Government of the United Kingdom at the time of handing over the pipeline system and of any consequential repairs of aviation spirit tanks shall be borne by that Government.

(b) If, after the pipeline system has been handed over, the two Governments agree to an extension of the work of cleaning and inspection already in hand or contracted for to further tanks at Agrud, the whole cost excluding that of the work mentioned in sub paragraph (a) of this paragraph, shall be borne by the two Governments in the same proportion as that specified in paragraph 3 (c) of this Annex.

(c) If, after the pipeline system has been handed over, the two Governments agree to repairs being carried out to tanks at Agrud other than the repairs of aviation spirit tanks mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph, the whole cost, including that of the work mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph, shall be borne by the two Governments in the same proportion as that specified in paragraph 3 (c) of this Annex.

(d) If the Government of the United Kingdom do not agree to the additional cleaning and inspection of tanks for which provision is made in sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph, or to the repair thereof being carried out, the level of reserves to be held at Agrud by the Government of the United Kingdom and the amount of the tankage capacity of the Agrud Installation leased to the contractor as stated in paragraph 1 of this Annex, shall be reduced by the amount of the capacity of the tank or tanks concerned.

No. 3008