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United Nations — Treaty Series

6. The cost of stores required for the maintenance and repair of the Suez/Agrud "A" line shall be borne by the Government of the United Kingdom, and the cost of stores required for the maintenance and the repair of the Suez/Agrud "W" line shall be borne by the Government of the Republic of Egypt.

7.—(a) MT gasoline to be held in the storage capacity referred to in paragraph 1 of this Annex shall not be below the minimum specification shown in the Appendix attached to this Annex. The specification may be changed by agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Egypt.

(b) If refineries in Egypt produce aviation spirit, the Government of the United Kingdom will make available to the Government of the Republic of Egypt the former's Air Ministry specification of aviation spirit.

8.—(a) Except in the circumstances stated in sub-paragraph (c) of this paragraph turnover of the products held in the storage capacity referred to in paragraph 1 of this Annex shall be effected into the local market and the turnover of the MT gasoline shall be effected through the Agrud/Cairo pipeline.

(b) Quantities turned over shall be replenished from the production of Egyptian refineries if available in accordance with specifications referred to in paragraph 7 of this Annex.

(c) If and so long as the turnover period of the reserves of the Government of the United Kingdom held in the Agrud Installation necessitates movement of products in excess of Egyptian market requirements of the products, those excess products may be exported.

(d) If the products of Egyptian refineries are not available to the specifications referred to in paragraph 7 of this Annex, the Government of the United Kingdom may constitute or reconstitute their reserves from sources outside Egypt.


Turnover of the petroleum products, consisting of not more than 8,500 metric tons of diesel fuel and 26,000 metric tons of aviation turbine fuel, held in the storage at Fanara (numbered as serials 30-34 inclusive of Appendix A of Annex II to the Agreement signed on the 19th of October, 1954, between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Egypt) shall be effected into the local market. In the case of diesel fuel, the turnover shall not exceed 400 metric tons per month. Aviation turbine fuel may be sold in Egypt as kerosine and the rate of turnover shall not exceed 2,200 metric tons per month. The terms and conditions upon which such products shall be sold for turnover shall be the subject of an agreement to be reached separately.

No. 3008