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United Nations — Treaty Series


Motor Benzine Specification

This Specification shall apply to Product as Pumped into the Pipeline System

Colour Orange.
Odour Marketable.
Octane Number (CFR Motor Method) I.P. 44 Min. 70.
T.E.L I.P. 116 1.8 mlAs/I.G.
Distillation A.S.T.M.
Initial Boiling Point 45° C. (Max.).
Rec. to 100° C—
March-October 34% Vol. (Min.).
November-February 37% Vol. (Min.).
Recovery to 140° 70% Vol. (Min.).
Final Boiling Point 200° C. (Max.).
Reid Vapour Pressure a 100° F. I.P. 69 Max. 9 lbs./sq. in.
Total Sulphur % Wt I.P. 107 Max. 0.25.
Corrosion Copper Strip I.P. 64A Not more than slight discoloration.
Gum Content mg/100 mls I.P. 38 Max. 5.
Induction Period mins I.P. 40 Min. 240.
Doctor test F. SB 520.3.2 Not worse than slightly positive.


The Egyptian Ministerfor Foreign Affairs to Her Majesty's Ambassador at Cairo


Cairo, October 19, 1954

Your Excellency,

I have the honour to refer to your Excellency's Note of to-day's date with reference to Article 3 . .

[See note 1]

I have the honour to inform your Excellency that my Government accept the above-mentioned proposals and agree that the Exchange of these Notes shall constitute an agreement between our two Governments on the terms of those proposals.

I avail, &c.


No. 3008