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United Nations - Treaty Series

Article III

No migrant labourer shall, during the period of his contract be employed in any kind of work having connexion with the promotion, development and exploitation of the abaca industry.

Article IV

The Government of North Borneo shall ensure that its designated licensed employers shall provide the migrant labourers and members of their families with adequate medical attention, decent housing, hygienic living and working conditions and adequate educational and recreational facilities during the entire period of their employment.

Article V

In the application of laws and regulations concerning wages, hours of labour, collective bargaining, employer's liability, social security and other labourers' rights, the laws of North Borneo shall be applicable in all cases, provided that the North Borneo Government shall give an undertaking that before recruitment actually takes place legislation shall be enacted conferring on the workers benefits under Workmen's Compensation not less favourable than those at present received by them in the Philippines.

Article VI

The Government of North Borneo shall, within the limits allowed by its laws and regulations governing the export of currency, permit the transfer of such part of the earnings and funds of any migrant labourer as the latter may desire.

Article VII

This Agreement shall enter into force on signature.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the Agreement.

DONE in duplicate at Manila this 29th day of August 1955.
For the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland acting on behalf of the Government of North Borneo:
(Signed) George CLUTTON
For the Government of the Republic of the Philippines:
(Signed) Carlos P. GARCfA

No. 3009