Page:UN Treaty Series - vol 221.pdf/260

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United Nations - Treaty Series

notice; on the other hand, the EMPLOYER shall not terminate the period of employment without giving thirty (30) days notice to the EMPLOYEE, with the approval of the North Borneo Government.

Section 3

a. Wages shall be paid at the standard piece-work or daily rate applicable to the occupation at the place of employment. Persons employed on piece-work shall likewise receive the standard piece-work conditions, provided that each worker shall be guaranteed a minimum equal to the current time rate. The current time rate shall be taken to be the piece-work average taken over the preceding 30 days. The current piece-work conditions are as set out in the attached schedule.
b. The EMPLOYEE agrees to work on such hours and such shifts as may be required by the EMPLOYER in accordance with North Borneo legislation on the subject. All work, except piece-work, performed in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty-eight (48) hours per week and all work performed on weekly holidays will be paid for at one and one-half (11/2) times the wage rate above provided; provided that overtime work on prescribed holidays shall be paid at twice the ordinary rate.

Section 4

a. Transportation of the EMPLOYEE and his family, if married, and his personal effects, and the cost of food and lodging shall be provided by the EMPLOYER from the place of recruitment. Emergency medical and dental care shall be provided by the EMPLOYER from the point of embarkation to the site of work, and upon completion of the period of service, the EMPLOYER shall provide the same facilities for their return to the place of recruitment.
b. No subsistence allowance shall be payable to workers, while being provided with transportation including food at the expense of the EMPLOYER, but subsistence allowance of two Malayan dollars for unskilled and four Malayan dollars for skilled workers a day shall be paid by the EMPLOYER to the EMPLOYEE while awaiting transportation between the place of recruitment and the place of employment. The allowance for all dependents shall be at the rate of two Malayan dollars per head.

Section 5

a. Free quarters with light and running water and laundry facilities, medical services and dental care, where available, shall be furnished without charge to