Page:UN Treaty Series - vol 221.pdf/262

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United Nations - Treaty Series

the EMPLOYEE by the EMPLOYER. It is understood, however, that housing facilities shall conform to standards established by the North Borneo Government and shall be periodically inspected by the North Borneo authorities.

b. Recreation and store facilities shall be made available to the EMPLOYEE at the place of employment.
c. The EMPLOYER shall provide facilities for remittance of earnings of the EMPLOYEE to the Philippines in accordance with exchange regulations.

Section 6

The provisions of Article V of the Agreement shall apply in all matters covered by the said Article of the Agreement.

Section 7

a. If, prior to the completion of the term of the contract of employment, the EMPLOYEE quits or the Contract is terminated by the EMPLOYER for cause with the approval of the Commissioner of Labor of North Borneo, it shall be the responsibility of the EMPLOYER to provide the EMPLOYEE and his family, return transportation at the earliest possible date, including food and lodging to the point of recruitment.
b. On satisfactory completion of the term of the Contract, the EMPLOYEE and his family may elect with the approval of the North Borneo Government to accept from the employer a cash grant equivalent to the cost of repatriation to the place of recruitment in lieu thereof and to waive all further claims for repatriation at the expense either of the EMPLOYER or of the North Borneo Government.

Section 8

The EMPLOYEE, before departure, is to submit to the required physical examination, vaccination, inoculations as may be required by the EMPLOYER, it being expressly understood that satisfactory medical, vaccination and inoculation certificates are conditions precedent to this employment. It is further understood that all statements made by the EMPLOYEE in connection with the said medical examination shall be deemed material to and a part of this Contract and that any fraudulent misrepresentation by the EMPLOYEE in such statements shall relieve the EMPLOYER from any obligations under this Contract, except the obligation to return the EMPLOYEE and his family to his place of recruitment. All incidental preliminary expenses, such as medical examinations, vaccinations, inoculations, photographs, etc., will be paid by the EMPLOYER.