Page:UN Treaty Series - vol 221.pdf/274

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United Nations — Treaty Series

5. The period allowed for re-exportation of samples which qualify for exemption from import duties under this article shall be not less than six months. When the period allowed for re-exportation has expired, the amount of the import duties and any other amount due may be charged on samples which have not been re-exported. These amounts may also be charged, before the expiry of the period, on samples which cease to satisfy the conditions of paragraph 1 of this article.

6. On the re-exportation within the permitted time of samples imported under this article, the refund of any amount deposited or the release of any security given on importation in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article shall be effected without delay at any of the Customs offices situated at the frontier or in the interior of the territory which possesses the necessary authority, subject to the deduction of the duties and any other amount payable on samples not produced for re-exportation. When special circumstances exist deposits may, however, be returned by other means, provided the return is effected promptly. Each Contracting Party shall publish a list of the Customs offices on which the said authority has been conferred.

Article IV
Duty-Free Admission of advertising material

1. Each Contracting Party shall exempt from import duties catalogues, price-lists and trade notices relating to

(a) goods offered for sale or hire, or

(b) transport or commercial insurance services offered,

by a person established in the territory of another Contracting Party, when such documents are imported from the territory of any Contracting Party, provided that each consignment imported either:

(i) consists of not more than one document, or

(ii) if it consists of more than one document, does not include more than one copy of any one document, or

(iii) irrespective of the number of documents or copies, does not exceed 1 kilogramme in gross weight.

Simultaneous dispatch of a number of consignments to different addresses in the territory of importation shall not debar such consignments from this exemption, provided that not more than one consignment is sent to any one consignee.

No. 3010