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United Nations — Treaty Series

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this article, a Contracting Party shall not be obliged to exempt from import duties on importation into its territory:

(a) Catalogues, price-lists and trade notices which do not clearly indicate the name of the foreign concern producing, selling or renting the goods, or offering the transport or commercial insurance services, to which such catalogues, price-lists or trade notices relate; or

(b) Catalogues, price-lists and trade notices which are entered to Customs in the territory of importation in packets grouped together for subsequent dispatch to separate addresses in that territory.

Article V
Temporary duty-free Admission of advertising films

Each Contracting Party shall accord the facilities provided by article III of the present Convention, subject to the conditions laid down in that article, to positive cinematograph advertising films of a width not exceeding 16 mm. shown to the satisfaction of its Customs authorities to consist essentially of photographs (with or without sound track) showing the nature or operation of products or equipment whose qualities cannot be adequately demonstrated by samples or catalogues, provided that the films:

(a) relate to products or equipment offered for sale or for hire by a Person established in the territory of another Contracting Party; and

(b) are of a kind suitable for exhibition to prospective customers but not for general exhibition to the public; and

(c) are imported in a packet which contains not more than one copy of each film and which does not form part of a larger consignment of films.

Article VI
Temporary waiver of import prohibitions and restrictions

1. No Contracting Party shall apply import prohibitions or restrictions (other than import duties), whether made effective through quotas, import licences or other measures, on the importation from the territory of another Contracting Party of goods:

(a) which qualify (or would qualify if they were dutiable) for exemption from import duties by virtue of the provisions of article II or article IV of this Convention; or

No. 3010